It's not clear which are the origins of this great salty cream. Some people said it's originally from Spain (from the town of Mahó in Menorca) some said it's from moyeu which means yolk of egg in french.
Now days it's famous all around the world especially in Europe, Noth America, Chile, Russia and Japan.
Ingredients- 250 ml of corn oil - 1 egg - 1/2 lemon juice - salt
In a blender bowl mesure 250 ml of corn oil. Add the egg gently so it won't brake in the bottom of the bowl. Sqeeze half a lemon. |
Add the lemon juice in the bowl and a teaspoon of salt. |
Insert gently the blender in the bowl until it touchs the bottom. Then turn it on and slowly raise it up. Do not go up and down with the blender. |
Raise it up until all the oil is mixed with the mayo. Add salt or lemon juice as you like and mix again with a spoon. Do not blend anymore. Serve it cold and keep it in the refrigerator for no more than 4 days. |
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