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Flower Pie with Amaretti Biscuits

Thanks to Maddi, "La cena è pronta"


For the dough

- 500 gr flour

- 200 cold butter

- 1 or 2 eggs

- 120 gr sugar

- a pinch of salt

- a little spoon of cinnamon (optional)

For the filling

- 7-8 spoons of peaches jam or apricots jam

- 20-25 amaretto cookies

- 1 big cup of coffie

Let's start by making the dough: put the flour, the sugar, the pinch of salt

and the cinnamon in a large bowl. Then add the eggs (start with one and see if the second one is necessary) and the butter at room temperature.

Start mixing it with your hands or with a mixer. When the ingredients are homogeneous, make 3 balls.

Wrap them and put them in the fridge for 30 minutes. After this time, our dough is ready.
Preheat the oven at 180°C (360F). Take the first dough ball and make it flat. To make it flat, you can put the dough in between two pieces of baking paper and flattering it by using a pinroll. This way it won't stick or break.

When you are done, take away the paper on top and put it in the form. Spread the jam (if it's too thick, you can mix it with a spoon of water and then spread it on the dough). Now take the second dough ball and make it flat.

Place it on top of the jam. Close the sides well. Deep the amaretti biscuits in the coffee very quickly: they should be in the coffee for no more than two seconds, otherwise they get too soft.

Cover the dough with the amaretti. Take the third dough ball and make it flat and place it on top of the amaretti. This time do not close the sides (you can but then the flower effect won't be that nice!), just cover all the amaretti with the dough. Bake it for 40-50 minutes more or less (depending on your oven).

Serve cold.

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